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NewsBank Resources: Home

NewsBank resources enable students and researchers to find information on a variety of topics, including health, business, economics, politics, environment, science, technology and social issues as well as information on people and current events.

Reliable Research

NewsBank resources support these topics and subject areas: 

  • Agriculture
  • African American Studies
  • Anthropology 
  • Architecture 
  • Botany
  • Business
  • Communication
  • Composition
  • Computer Science 
  • Criminal Justice
  • Earth Science
  • Economics
  • Education
  • Engineering
  • English
  • Environmental Science
  • Fashion Merchandising 
  • Fine Arts
  • Foreign Relations
  • Geology
  • Health
  • History 
  • International Studies
  • Jobs and Careers
  • Journalism
  • Literature
  • Marketing
  • Nursing
  • Performing Arts
  • Physical Therapy 
  • Political Science
  • Psychology 
  • Religious Studies
  • Science
  • Sociology 
  • Social Issues
  • Spanish
  • Sports Medicine  
  • Technology
  • Zoology


Why News

Why News for Research

  • Search any topic
  • Uncover information on obscure topics
  • Find timely information not yet published in journals
  • Track trends
  • Gain a variety of perspectives

Where to Post

Make the most of your NewsBank resources by exposing them in relevant places across your library's website.

  1. Post a link to your NewsBank resources in:
  • LibGuides
  • Journal Finders
  • A-Z List

2. Request to have your library's NewsBank content integrated with EBSCOHost and included in EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS). Learn How

3. Download MARC Records 

4. Share about your library's NewsBank resources on social media. See Examples

Customized for Your Library

Create shortcuts to the most important sources and content sets for your users.

Contact your Account Representative for help. 

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